These links lead to Star Frontiers and related sites. Please sign any guestbooks at the sites you visit.
Thanks, ALOMAR.
SF info relating to our current game. Set-up and managed by my Ref. (Wayne)
FRONTIERS NEWS NETWORK: Great resource for adding more reality to your game.
SF RULES PAGE: Everything from the original rule books on-line.
PALALYRN CLUSTER:Maps, races, artifacts, all laid out before your eyes on one of the best sites I'v come across.
FRONTIER 3:Good info, good laughs.
GAME IN PROGRESS:Insite into a game in progress. Plus some good info.
Nothing to do with SF, but please go check this place out. you'll love it.
GURPS: Steve Jackson Games.GURPS: Steve Jackson Games.
GURPS stands for Generic Universal RolePlaying System, and that's exactly what it is: One set of rules that works for all genres. (We use GURPS for our current game)